Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Breakfast in a Bowl

Here's another Jillian Michael's recipe that I dug out the other day… This is for a single serving, just double it if you want it left over or for extra people!!!

1/2 C nonfat, low-carb yogurt (I use greek yogurt)
1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese
1 oz (2 TBSP) rolled or steel-cut oats, uncooked
1 TBSP slivered almonds
1 tsp vanilla extract
allspice to taste (literally just a sprinkle!)
I add some almond milk, just a touch because the greek yogurt is so thick!

Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate overnight.  This will soften the oats.  Serve straight from the fridge.

Healthy Breakfast,
Healthy Breakfast in a Bowl

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