If you would like some detailed information on "What is Clean Eating" click HERE! This will give you some background on what it is!
You are INVITED to join me for a FREE
7 Day Clean Eating Group Starting on June 30th!!
I've been eating clean for almost a year now. I had always eaten "pretty healthy" but didn't realized what a difference I felt when I really started eating clean. It gives me more energy, I find that I can eat MORE food because of the choices I make when eating clean. It has changed the way I feel about food and the way my body feels. I notice when I have a cheat meal, or something my body is not used to, my body lets me know!! 7 Day Clean Eating Group Starting on June 30th!!
Have you ever noticed that the foods you eat have a direct impact on how you feel?
If you have ever wondered what clean eating is all about then this group is perfect for you!
Starting on June 30th I will be teaming with some other coaches to teach YOU the basics of Clean Eating in a 7 day accountability group!
Come on...it's only 7 days! Are you going to join in on the FUN...What do you have to lose?
Here's what you need to do...it's simple.
- Click HERE to create a FREE Beachbody account, I will be your coach and help you through this process.
- Email me requesting to be a part of the 7 Day Clean Eating Group starting on June 30th!
That's it...those are the requirements for this group!
I can't wait to have you be a part of this group and get a 7 day start on changing your life through clean eating!
Let's do this TODAY!!!
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