I'm 35 years old and I've finally discovered who I am!
"WHO AM I" has been a constant question I’ve asked myself over the past 12 years as a mom. I’ve tried on different hats to see if they fit, but they never do. Why? Because they're not MY hats! We wear many, and that’s ok, but you have to figure which ones fit.
I’ve admired my husband from the first day I met him 16 years ago. He knew exactly what he was going to do in life. He was driven, he had purpose, he had a goal in mind. His goal...Law School.
Throughout college, I didn’t have a clear goal or purpose or career in mind. Yes, I was driven to be successful, get good grades, do well and learn. But my major was vague, I didn’t have direction or know WHAT I wanted to do after college. I didn’t know what career path I wanted to pursue.
I applied for a number of different jobs in all different areas and career types. I worked for about a year before having our first son, then part time another year before having our second child. From there, despite the school loans that were piling up, I began my “career” as a stay at home mom for the next 12 years. At that time, I found my purpose through being home with my children.
However, I still longed and had a desire to be successful in a career, outside of being a mom. I craved to fulfill that deeper sense of purpose I knew I had in life, but wasn’t fully living out.

A few other times I found entrepreneurial ventures that I could do while my kids were at home. While they were successful, I didn’t have a clear purpose and belief in WHAT I was doing, and ultimately in ME...that I could succeed.
Fast-forward to August 2013, when I was introduced to Beachbody. Health and fitness had already begun to gain traction and importance in my life. I was first introduced to the fitness programs through Beachbody and then soon learned of the coaching and business side of it, which intrigued me. The entrepreneurial seed had already been planted in my heart and I knew that’s what I loved - be your own boss, work flexible hours, earn an income, all from home!
I saw this as a great opportunity personally to get healthy and fit, pay it forward and help others do the same, and to grow and earn an income that could really change our lives. I knew I was a great encourager and motivator and health and fitness was something I was passionate about!
I jumped in as a coach and truly fell in love with the company, their mission, and helping my challengers....but I felt lost at the same time. My WHY has always been for my family...to give us the freedom from my husband’s long hours, flexibility (in time and finances) to take family vacations, to be able to pay off school loans and credit card debt. That’s never changed…
But, I hadn’t been completely honest with myself. My family is Part 1 of my WHY...but I am the Part 2! It may sound selfish, and that’s ok. The other part of my WHY is to SUCCEED at something outside of being a mom. To truly find my deep passion and purpose in life. To know that I am capable of great success, paying off debt, supporting my family. I crave the pat on the back that says “well done, you did amazing, you did more than anyone ever thought possible!” Let’s be honest, as moms, we don’t always get that!
As a student I worked my tail off and got straight A’s. There was great accomplishment when I received that final grade I earned, there was recognition as I walked across the stage to get my diploma and heard my name called followed by “Cum Laude”. I’ve not allowed myself to crave that success since I graduated from college. But the desire is there, it’s waiting to be unleashed and achieved!
This has been a constant question I’ve asked myself over the past 12 years as a mom.
I’ve tried on different hats to see if they fit, but they never do.
Why? Because they're not MY hats! Those hats just caused greater confusion in my purpose.
We wear many, and that’s ok, but you have to figure out which ones fit.
• I am a wife, a mom of 3, I am saved by the blood of Christ.
• I am a health and fitness Entrepreneur who can help you start a business for yourself from scratch.
• I empower women to see beyond what they haven’t accomplished yet in life and help them find their purpose outside of their children.

• I always have laundry waiting to be folded, dirty dishes in the sink, things that don’t get done. I get sidetracked by bright shiny objects, I’m a homebody, I love family time, I love books but have never been a strong reader (therefore I don’t enjoy reading...which is something I am changing). Sometimes my husband is a better “wife/mom” than me...he helps keep the house and kids in line and is definitely my better half!
• I love to snow ski, hike, take family vacations and “escape from reality”.
• I have struggled to find out who I really am, what I truly want in life and have felt like I’ve been “going through the motions of life” with no clear focus, purpose and direction. I have struggled with confidence, belief in myself and poor body image. I often fear what other think of me, I fear screwing up big time and that I'm not "good enough" (whatever that means). But...I continue to grow everyday and develop as a person and I strive to push through these struggles and fears and become the best version of me that I possibly can! I am a constant work in progress!
• My dream is to pay off our school loans, credit card debt, save for our kids’ future education, to be able to have the option to retire my husband (not that he wants to, but to give him that freedom to choose what he wants to do and not be confined to job just to provide for us).
Beachbody is the avenue in which I KNOW these dreams can come true for our family.
We make sacrifices every day for our children and our families, but there comes a time in our life where we must, as women and moms, be able to say “what do I want?” How do I want to grow, succeed, influence, and impact this world? Then, we must have the freedom and the opportunity to spread our wings and build our dreams on the way down! This IS possible for YOU too!!
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This has taken a long time for me to be able to put my thoughts and feelings into words. My hope is that this has helped at least one person be able to put their journey, story, thoughts into words. I'm passionate about empowering women to find their passion and be able to see their dreams being lived out. Do you crave the freedom, flexibility, success, income that you never dreamed YOU could achieve? I'm here to mentor you through your journey of success, whatever success looks like to YOU! You have the ability to write YOUR STORY!!
Are you ready to spread your wings? If so, please have the courage to reach out to me and let's discuss together how we can get you past your fears, insecurities and hesitations and move you onto finding your passion, purpose and driving force in your life! Leave a comment below with your email or send me an email here! (subject line: My Story)
Just found your website and LOVE your upbeat attitude! I am finishing my first round of 21DF this weekend and starting Round 2 on Monday! I will definitely be using some of your recipes and menu plans, thanks!
ReplyDeleteKellie, thank you so much! I'm so happy you find this info helpful! Congrats on finishing your first round of the 21 Day Fix! Are you working with a coach and plugged into a support group? If not, I'd love to be your coach and support you through your journey! Send me an email and I'd love to connect! juliefit15@gmail.com