Thursday, May 22, 2014

Ultimate Reset Phase 1 Update and Progress!

WOW!  I'm finished with the first week of the Ultimate Reset!  I can't believe it!  I really feel so successful with this program.  I am loving it and the food is amazing!  (Not sure what the Ultimate Reset is?  Click HERE!)

Fruits and Veggies, The Ultimate Reset
Eat whole and fresh foods!

This has really been an eye-opening experience for me.  Here are some things I've learned:

    Good habits, The Ultimate Reset
  • I have had bad habits centered around food.
  • I can overcome these habits.
  • I can make dinner without snacking on it (and adding countless calories at the same time!).
  • My body enjoys variety in my diet.
  • I don't NEED a snack after dinner and before bed!!
  • I love drinking so much water throughout the day.
  • I can survive without COFFEE (I can't believe I just said this…not sure I want to admit!)
  • Fueling my body the correct way makes a HUGE difference in how I feel!
  • I can live without Peanut Butter (something I thought I'd never say!)
  • I could actually live just fine without having meat! (again…didn't think I'd say this!)

These are just a few things I've learned over this first week!

Ultimate Reset Update, Discipline

The results are in...
So far I have completed the first phase of the program and 
in 7 days I've lost 5.5 lbs!!  Whoop Whoop!

The benefits of this program are so much more than just the weight loss.  Yes, that's a GREAT benefit…But I've been able to give my body the rest and cleansing it needs for better functioning and performance.  

For days 5, 6 and 7… 

These days were pretty good.  There was nothing really out of the ordinary that I noticed.  Other than being really tired on day 7, I've really felt good so far.  (Honestly, I'm waiting for the crash this week…I just feel like this coming week may be different, but we'll see).  I have stuck to the meal plan to a "T" and not cheating at all.  

I'm really looking forward to the next 2 weeks and see how I continue to change and what the rest of this program entails.  I really have no idea what to expect so we shall see!

So here are my meals from the last 3 days.  (Days 5, 6, and 7)

Ultimate Reset Day 5 Meals
Day 5 Meals Ultimate Reset
Breakfast: Farina with Walnuts,Apple and Maple Syrup
Lunch: Quinoa Salad, Hummus and Veggie Plate
Snack: Apple and Almond Butter
Dinner: Miso Soup, Stir-fried Veggies and Brown Rice

Ultimate Reset Day 6 Meals
Day 6 Meals Ultimate Reset
Breakfast: Baked Tempeh, Avocado, Steamed Spinach
Lunch:  Quinoa Salad, Microgreen salad, Toasted Pumpkin Seeds, Ginger-Sesame-Miso dressing
Snack:  Apple and Almond Butter
Dinner:  Roasted Root Medley and Zucchini-Cashew Soup

Ultimate Reset Day 7 Meals
Day 7 Meals Ultimate Reset
Breakfast:  Oatmeal with Apples and Flax Seeds, Plain Organic Yogurt with Maple Syrup
Lunch:  Zucchini-Cashew Soup, Microgreen Salad, Ginger-Sesame-Miso dressing
Snack: Quinoa and Avocado
Dinner:  Baked Tempeh, Steamed Broccoli, Brown Rice

If you would like more information about starting the Ultimate Reset, please send me an email and I can talk to you about how to get started…or fill out this application below.

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