Thursday, August 20, 2015

Start Your Coaching Journey!

It's been 2 years now since I first started coaching!  I can't believe it's gone by so fast!  I truly feel blessed that I came across coaching back 2 years ago!  At the time, I was searching for something...first a new fitness program, a way to lose about 10 pounds or so, and a way to bring in some extra income for our family!

5-Day Coaching Sneak Peek, What is a beachbody coach?  Julie Little Fitness,

At the time I started researching fitness programs, I had heard of Beachbody, but had NO idea there was a business opportunity attached to it as well.  The more digging I started to do about the fitness programs (at the time I was checking out T25),  the more I continuted to come across the coaching opportunity!  So, that led me to digging for more information into coaching.  I immediately saw the value in coaching and knew this would be a great way to not only keep me motivated to reaching my health/fitness goals, but also to help out our family income yet still be able to be at home.  So, I jumped on the opportunity!!

The last 2 years as a coach has made such a difference in our lives.  I'm the most consistent with my exercise than I've ever been in my life, I've been able to pay for family vacations and "incidentals" that always creep into our spending, I've gained amazing new friendships and helped so many people reach their health and fitness goals!  I've been able to set, reach and set new goals, both personally and financially!

So, now what?

With the kids going back to school and you finding yourself with a little more time on your hands, NOW is the perfect time to join my amazing team of coaches!  Maybe you're needing to pay off some of the "summer activities" or you're finding that in your "summer fun" you've inadvertently gained a bit of extra weight and need to get it off...well, that's ok!  I can help!!

By joining my team you can:

  1. Work with me and my team, Team Ignite Your Life, and learn how to grow a successful business.
  2. Get yourself back into shape after a summer of fun with the kids or with friends!  We'll help hold each other accountable to reaching our health and fitness goals!
  3. Get PAID to do something you love and are PASSIONATE about...helping others in their own health and fitness journey and by sharing your story and inspiring others!

You do NOT have to be a fitness expert, nutrition expert or even at your "goal weight".  Your story is unique to YOU and you have the ability to impact and change someone's life based on where YOU are right now in your journey!  You can inspire and change lives at any "weight"!  Being a successful coach takes passion, a heart for others, and a desire for the possibilities of change, for yourself and for others!

I'll be hosting a 5-day Sneak Peek into coaching.  Sharing with you how I got involved and my experiences as a coach, answering your questions you have about coaching and sharing other coaches experiences too!  This will be a group where you can ask questions and see if it's a right fit for you!

5-Day Coaching Sneak Peek, What is a beachbody coach?  Julie Little Fitness,

To Apply, please click the link:

Apply to Coaching Sneak Peak 

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