Sunday, August 9, 2015

CIZE Review and Meal Plan Review

Cize...the End of Exercise!  I've got to be 100% honest with you!  When I first heard about Cize, I rolled my eyes and thought it was ridiculous that they were coming out with a dance program!  WHY??  Well, because I've been a self-proclaimed "I CAN'T DANCE" girl!  I didn't grow up dancing, I've always been super self conscious about dancing and the way my body moves (or doesn't).  Like, SUPER self-conscious.  In fact, honestly one of my biggest fears if having to dance in front of people!
Cize Review and Meal Plan Review - Anyone can dance!, Julie Little Fitness say the least I was NOT excited for this program!

I had the opportunity to try it out once a few months before it was released, and even through feeling so embarrassed, I actually had a good time and started to change my mind about the program!

Fast forward a couple months and one dance routine was released on Beachbody On Demand.  So...I tried it out.  Again, feeling like a complete idiot (but at least I felt that way in my own home!), I did it anyways and my mind was now open to this new program!  

  • Fun
  • Easy to follow
  • Easy to Learn
  • Anyone can do this
  • Step by Step instructions
Well, now that I have done Cize for about 2 weeks.  I will say with complete, 100% honesty, I LOVE Cize!  I won't say I'm any expert (at all), and I "think" that I look a ton better than I actually do while I'm dancing!  But, it is SO much fun and I am actually getting better at dancing!!

Cize Review and Meal Plan Review - Anyone can dance!, Julie Little Fitness

Shaun T does an AWESOME job at setting it up for you.  If you would have told me I would be doing these entire choreographed dance routines I would have laughed in your face.  What happens is that Shaun T will break down every single move of the routine.  He does it in a way that even beginners (like me) can understand and make your body move that way!  Literally, step by step.  He'll first do it in slow time, then when you're used to that move, he picks it up in full tempo but you are constantly starting over from the beginning and going back thru the routine.  So once you've hit every move in the routine, you've gotten very comfortable with the moves and fell SUCCESSFUL when dancing!!  

When Shaun T says ANYONE can dance...he means it!

This isn't pretty, but I'm learning!  :)

My heart rate monitor is out of batteries and I haven't gotten it fixed so I don't know the exact calories I burned.  But I will tell you I am out of breath and sweating every time I do this!  So the answer is YES, you do get a good workout!!

Cize Review and Meal Plan Review - Anyone can dance!, Julie Little Fitness

The dance routines range from 35 minutes to 45 minutes!  But it goes super fact because you're having such a great time!  There are 6 different increasingly difficult routines!

Shaun T takes you through the moves step by step...easy to learn!

Honestly...this program is for ANYONE!  Beginner to advanced dancers and any and everything in between!  You'll get a great workout, learn some new moves and have a blast while doing it!

Cize Review and Meal Plan Review - Anyone can dance!, Julie Little Fitness

The Cize meal plan really follows the guidelines of the 21 Day Fix containers, which I think is a really brilliant meal plan!  It will help you with your portions and amounts you need for the day to give you the best success in your nutrition/fitness program.  Plus when you pair it with Shakeology, it's just one more successfully packed program all around!  If you need ideas for the meal plan, check out my 21 Day Fix Meal Plan guides!!

Are you ready to CIZE IT UP?  If you are...I'd love to get you plugged into an accountability group too to give you the extra support and accountability that you need to reach your health and fitness goals.  If you are not already working with a coach and would like to be a part of this group, please fill out the application below!  

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