Wednesday, March 25, 2015

It's Time for Spring Cleaning, Candy Detox and 3 Day Refresh!

Spring has sprung...and so has the Easter Candy!!  Seriously...there is candy all over the place, it's already EASTER CANDY OVERLOAD!!  Every year, there's new colors, flavors and kinds of candy...the madness just doesn't end, does it?

Well, I'm here to help some of this craziness stop!  No, unfortunately I can't take the Easter candy out of the stores, but we can definitely work together to do some Spring Cleaning and Detoxing from the candy!!

Spring Cleaning and Candy Detox, 3 Day Refresh, Shakeology accountability group,
3 Day Refresh& Shakeology Accountability Group


I know, it feels like just walking past the rows and rows of candy at the store that the sugar is just going to latch on to your body!!  Well...let's not let that happen!!

I've shared my 3 Day Refresh results with you, and I absolutely love this 3 day program.  It helps keep me on gets my mind refocused and my body prepped for best results of my workouts and nutrition!

So what is the 3 Day Refresh? The Refresh is a Team Beachbody Product that is meant to be a healthy alternative to cleanses that are on the market that really don't contain nutritional value.  For example, the juice cleanses, the various fasts, extreme cleanses, they really aren't the best option for you.  The Research and Development team really wanted to create a product that gives an alternative to these cleanses that will provide proper nutrition and was safe and effective at helping you with rapid weight loss!

Spring Cleaning and Candy Detox, 3 Day Refresh, Shakeology accountability group,
3-Day Refresh + 30 Days of Shakeology and Clean Eating

What comes with the Refresh Kit?  With the basic Refresh kit you get 3 Shakeology packets, 3 packets of the Fiber Sweep, 6 packets of the Vanilla Refresh, a nutritional guide and program manual.

How do you do the Refresh?  You drink a Shakeology Shake for breakfast with a serving of fruit from the book.  You get to have the Fiber Sweep as your mid-morning snack and water.  At lunch you'll have the Vanilla Refresh Shake with a serving of veggies, fruit and good fat.  For Dinner the Vanilla Fresh Shake with a meal choice from the nutritional booklet!!  You can drink green tea and water but avoid all processed foods, canned fruits and veggies, sweeteners and dairy.  You are truly cutting back to the basic to cut the bloating and help you lose weight!!

Then from there we will head straight into learning how to keep your success of the 3 Day Refresh and start clean eating and drinking Shakeology every day for 30 days!  The awesome part is that the 3 Day Refresh and Shakeology Pack is ON SALE this month...AND, better yet, it comes with a FREE 30 DAY TRIAL OF BEACHBODY ON DEMAND!!!  So that means for the length of our group you can workout to your choice of 11 Beachbody Fitness programs right from your laptop, iPad, phone, computer, any mobile device!!  

Spring Cleaning and Candy Detox, 3 Day Refresh, Shakeology accountability group,
3-Day Refresh Results

So this is a pretty "sweet" deal we've got going on... Let's Recap!

Support and Accountability Group Details and Requirements
  • 3 Day Refresh and Shakeology Challenge Pack - ON SALE (must purchase to be a part of the group)
  • With Challenge Pack Purchase you get Beachbody On Demand FREE for 30 days! (streaming of Beachbody Fitness programs from all your mobile devices!).
  • You get ME as your coach to help guide you through the 30 Days! (I must be your Team Beachbody Coach to participate in the group!)
  • Access to my PRIVATE accountability and support group.
  • You get to feel great and learn clean eating and how to be healthy!!
Ready...Let's GO!!  SPACE IS LIMITED!!!

Spring Cleaning and Candy Detox, 3 Day Refresh, Shakeology accountability group,

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