
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Holiday Survival Guide

Lose weight during the holidays, holiday weight loss, getting in shape, thin, accountable
Lose Weight During the Holidays

The holidays are quickly approaching!!  Can you believe it?  I sure can't.  The holidays are a time for gathering together and being with fiends and family…AND…a time we typically gather together centered around FOOD!  
Lose weight during the holidays, weight loss, eating healthy, holiday parties, holiday healthy
Give the scale a break this holiday!
I know the past years every time we have gone to Thanksgiving or a holiday party I've had one of 2 thoughts go through my head depending on how I felt about myself or my body at that time.  Thought #1 (if I was feeling particularly good about where I was with weight), "ohhh what kind of good junk (stuff we normally don't get every day) is around" or thought #2 (if I was feeling not-so-good in my clothes), "what am I going to eat, I already feel so yucky in my clothes and skin right now".  

This is the year it will be different for me!  I'm NOT going to give into the temptations of the holiday season and parities.  I will enjoy my parties, yet choose healthy options that will give me the greatest results and not overindulge in all the fattening and calorie dense foods.  This holiday I commit to taking care of my body!!

This is the time of year we need the MOST accountability EVER! There are SO many temptations, parties, events and gatherings. There are TONS of little ways that you can stay on track but still feel like you have that balance in life. 

Holiday Parties, eating healthy during holidays, mommy weight loss, holiday eating, lose weight
Have you been there?  Dreading the holiday parties because you are scared to see how many pounds your lack of control has put on by the end of the year?  I know I've been there…all to wake up on January 1st kicking myself and wishing I would have done better throughout the holiday food fest!

Well…GOOD NEWS!!  This year you don't have to go through those thoughts!!  How would you like to feel EMPOWERED to get through all the holiday parities and LOSE weight?  Feel amazing at the parties and look amazing in the new dress you bought special for the holidays!


Accountability, Accountability group, weight loss, lose weight, holiday eating, holiday parties, busy momsWhat has changed my life over the past 80 days is accountability through a challenge/accountability group.  As a mom of 3, I'm busy and it's so easy to grab junk throughout the day.  By having an accountability group I can check in with, it has helped keep me on track to reach my potential for health and fitness.  I'm still on a journey and striving each day to stay committed.  I screw up sometimes and overeat or fall into the trap of hormonal and emotional eating.  But through this group I have learned how to be able to get back on track and started back on the right path.  

That's why this holiday is so crucial for ME too!  I have  not been throughout a holiday yet with my new commitment to better health and fitness.  I am moving in the direction I want to because I know that with clean eating, drinking my Shakeology, and my T25 workouts, it will push me through to the best outcome of the holiday season and I know I will have success throughout!

I want to help teach you how to enjoy the holidays with your friends and family and not feel deprived, yet learn the skills that will catapult you through the holiday season into the new year and have you be less weight than you were at the beginning of November!  How does that sound??

Holiday Weight gain Statistic, Holiday Weight Loss, Lose weight during the holiday
Don't be another Holiday Weight Gain Statistic 

Starting November 18th, join me for our Holiday Survival Guide Accountability Group.  We will check in daily with each other, have daily accountability, motivation, and tips to help get you through the holidays successfully!

The Formula:  Fitness + Nutrition + Support = SUCCESS!

Give yourself the gift of accountability this season and NO muffin top to ring in the New Year! 

Healthy for the Holidays, Holiday Survival, Holiday Weight Loss, Stay accountable, lose weight, mommy weight loss
Stay Healthy During the Holidays

What is the NEXT Step?
First, I must be your official Beachbody Coach.  This means you will go to my site and create a free account so that I am your mentor.  Then, you will need to fill out the Challenge Group Application below and be sure you are detailed in your information.  Tell me about your current struggles with nutrition and exercise.

Next, you are required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the group.  Shakeology is not a protein shake or a weight loss shake.  It is a nutrient rich meal replacement.  I require you to replace 1 meal per day with Shakeology because life is busy and it's not always easy to have all your meals be nutritionally balanced and healthy all the time.  With Shakeology, you know that you are getting the right nutrients your body needs in a balanced protein to carb ratio in order to have sufficient energy, to curb your cravings and keep you full for at least 3 hours.  We are always on-the-go and need and option for a quick and convenient meal, you can take this wherever you go!  The best part is that it's DELICIOUS!!  So, believe me when I say it is worth every penny, if you are a busy mom, you don't get all your veggies in every day, you skip meals, or you don't have time to cook.  You will not find anything else like Shakeology out there, it is worth it, I promise!  Trust me and give it 30 days and you won't be disappointed!  I had to take that first plunge in making my first Shakeology order and I'm so glad I did.  It has transformed the way I feel and helped reduce my cravings!  Commit to change today!

Shakeology, Healthiest Meal of the Day, Meal Replacement, Curb Cravings, Lose Weight, Weight Loss, Busy Mom, Quick Meal, Don't like to cook, On the go

The next part of the challenge group is exercise.  Beachbody has a whole variety of fitness programs that fit your personal fitness level and the type of exercise you prefer.  My very favorite program is T25, especially because we are ALL so busy!  Literally, all you need is 25 minutes a day…25 MINUTES!!  NO JOKE!  It fits everyone's fitness level from beginner to advanced and did I mention it's only 25 minutes a day?  Anyone has 25 minutes to give to a workout!

Focus T25, T25, Shaun T, Workout, Beachbody Fitness Program, Beachbody, Challenge Pack
Focus T25

So, that's what is required in a challenge group.  You will get my support and encouragement along the way thru a closed Facebook group.  Your commitment equals my dedication to helping you reach your health and fitness goals and YOUR very best results.  So, are you IN?

If so, please fill out the application below and I will contact you in the next 24 hours and answer any questions and help walk you through the sign up process.  The group will begin on November 18th so you'll have plenty of time to get enrolled and ready to go!

The first week we focus on preparation, meal planning and getting your mind ready!  Look fabulous and be strong during those holiday parties!

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