
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30-Day Eat Clean Stripped Challenge!

Happy Monday!!!

I've been thinking on this post all day and just finally getting a moment to sit down and get my thoughts out!  Today, I started to participate in another challenge group.  This one is a 30-Day challenge group that is a little more strict and specific…it's to get rid of those "hard-to-lose" last 10 pounds or less.  

Eat Clean Stripped Meal plan, lose last 10 lbs

Now, I am very near my goal weight, within 5 pounds or so, but noticed after I finished the last 60 day challenge group I felt so amazing finishing up, but then I got lazy!  I didn't measure my food and I noticed myself SNACKING way toooooo much!  I found it made me feel sluggish, puffy and bloated and not so good in the tummy!  So, I decided I wanted to whip myself into better habits again to get myself back into eating the way that makes me feel the very best, especially right now around the holidays where I KNOW I can get in a snacky mood!

I have decided to journal my progress each week help show you what an Eat Clean Stripped meal plan looks like!  

What is Eat Clean Stripped Meal Plan? 

Tosca Reno's 28 day Stripped Meal Plan comes from her book, Eat Clean Diet Stripped, it's meant for people trying to lose the last 10 pounds or tighten up for an event.  It is all the principles of clean eating but completely stripped down.

I know I've been talk about clean eating in some of my past posts, but haven't really explained exactly what it is…so here you go:

The 10 Basic Clean Eating Principles:
Eat clean stripped, 30-days, lose 10 lbs, eat clean principles1.  Eat More!  Eat 6 small meals each day, spaced at two and a half to three hour intervals.
2.  Eat breakfast every day within an hour of rising.
3.  Make your last meal three hours before bed.
4.  Eat a combination of lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal.
5.  Eat sufficient healthy fats every day.
6.  Drink two to three liters of water each day.
7.  Carry a cooler packed with clean foods each day.
8.  Depend on fresh fruits and vegetables for fiber, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.
9.  Adhere to proper portion sizes.
10.  Eat only foods that have not been overly processed or doused in chemicals, saturated in trans fats and toxins.

Now you have the rules…what kind of foods can you eat?

Clean Eating Stripped meal plan, fruits, veggies
Allowable vegetables include:  Sweet and regular potatoes, radishes, carrots, parsnips, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, beets, leeks, leafy greens, brussels sprouts, spaghetti squash, green beans, onions, sprouts, celery, zucchini, fennel and garlic.

Allowable fruits include:  Bananas, apples, plums, berries, pears, watermelon, cherries, oranges, tomatoes, limes and lemons.

Allowable protein sources include:  Egg whites, lean turkey, chicken, pork, beans and legumes (in moderation), lean fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, bison and other game meats, hummus (also a healthy fat), quinoa, spirulina, sea vegetables, protein powder, tofu and tempeh.

Allowable healthy fats include:  flaxseed, nuts such as almonds and walnuts (unsalted), pumpkin seeds, nut butters, hummus (also a protein), avocados, oils (flaxseed, sesame, coconut, olive, hazelnut, walnut and fish).

Eat Clean stripped, clean eating, abs made in the kitchen

The great thing about this stripped plan is that even though it's a more strict eating plan, I'm not hungry throughout the day because I am feeding my body every 3 hours and with the appropriate nutrients my body needs in order to fuel my metabolism properly.  

Eat clean meal plan stripped, clean eating, lifestyle not dietWhen I decided to start eaten clean 3 months ago, I made a decision that this was a way of life for me, not a "diet".  Thru this, I am learning the importance of changing what I allow my mind to think and notice that when I have negative thoughts going in my head, I tend to snack a lot more.  So instead of having FOMO: Fear Of Missing Out (coined by another fellow blogger), I know that when I choose the right time to have a treat or something special I will plan for it on my cheat meal, but not everyday!

Here's what my day looked like today:

7:30am - 1/2 cup steel oats, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 c almond milk, 1 TBSP wheat germ, 4 egg whites, coffee with almond milk.

10:30am snack - 1 apple w/ 1 TBSP natural peanut butter (my favorite snack!!)

1:30pm lunch - 1/2 cup almond milk, 3/4 cup water, 1 TBSP PB2, 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology (ummm…gotta be my favorite meal of the day!)

4pm snack - Cucumbers and 2 TBSP hummus.

Dinner - Grilled chicken, spaghetti squash, broccoli.

Eat Clean Stripped Meal plan Day 1, eat clean
Day 1

Here's what the rest of my week looks like!

Eat Clean Stripped Meal plan week 1 - Julie Little
…until next time!

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