
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Group!

Free 7 day holiday clean eating group

It's the holiday season...a time of giving thanks and giving back to others!  In honor of this season and  the fact that it is also a time of year when we can find ourselves getting far off track and out of control with our plethora of holiday parities, I want to give you the gift of health this November!!

I have so many people who come to me needing help and direction in how to eat clean and be healthy so I've decided to do a Free 7 Day Clean Eating Group!  I have really found that clean eating and the Beachbody fitness programs have truly helped in transforming my health, my body and my confidence!  I want everyone to be able to find the rhythm that works for them and help them along the journey!

Free 7 day holiday clean eating group, your desire to change is greater than your desire to stay the same

A journey is exactly what becoming healthy is all about.  When you decide to change your health it doesn't mean that over night you instantly have no more cravings.  It's tough in the beginning learning new and healthy ways to eat.  It will take time to change your body and your habits, but that is a decision that you want to change more than stay the same!  I'll be here to help you along the way!

So I would love to help this process along by giving you a 7 day meal plan, daily accountability, motivation and support...let's do it!

What are the requirements?

1. You must make me your official Beachbody Coach by going to my site and creating a free profile. This way I can send you recipes, meal plans and monthly motivation and tips to keep you on track with your lifestyle.

2. You must participate for the next 7 days in our online closed facebook group each day!

3. Commit to checking in 1x per day, rating your day and charting your progress.

4. Invite 2 friends to join! Why not bring a few friends along for the ride! There is nothing better than having an accountability partner in the next 7 days!!!! You are more likely to stick with it if you have someone by your side.

What do you get for joining?

1. You get a free 7 day meal plan.
2. A grocery list
3. A place to check in daily, ask questions, get support and motivation.
4. Daily tips that have worked for me.
5. Strategies to handle emotional eating and temptations.

Are you ready to get started? We will begin the group on Monday November 10th so please reserve your spot today!

>>>>>Email me at or send me a message on my like page at to get enrolled in the free group!

*Note- This is for new and existing customers. If you are already a coach or have a coach you are working with please contact your coach for details on their next group!

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