
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dream Big…Believe Bigger!


Are you a dreamer?  I've always been something of a dreamer and goal setter.  But I've known this about myself especially in the last few years.  I've heard speakers, read books and articles about your goals and dreams and writing them down if you want to achieve your dreams and goals.  I've done that in the past….but then I've put my written down dreams and goals in a drawer or in the closet (literally).  They haven't been in front of me, visible, staring me down everyday to remember what I'm dreaming about, what I'm working for, WHY I'm doing what I'm doing…

Did I achieve those dreams and goals in the past?  Some, yes…but not to the level in which I would have liked.  So, what's different now?  How do I get past the unreached goals and dreams and keep moving FORWARD to reaching my goals and dreams?

Believe in yourself, www.HealthyFitFocused.comI really think it's two-fold.  First, you've got to DREAM BIG…but second, you've got to BELIEVE BIGGER!

That's the key ingredient that I noticed was missing in my past goals and dreams.  Not belief in my dream, but belief in ME…belief that I could be "good enough" to be deserving of my dreams.  Thankfully, I've realized that my belief in myself had been a roadblock to my dreams, and I'm not letting my fear hold me back anymore!  

So I finally decided to write my dreams and goals down and post them where I can see them every day and not put them in a closed or in a drawer!  So here they are!!

Dream Board 2014,
2014 Dream Board

How did my WHY start?

Over the year or so, I had been really searching for something that I was passionate about.  Something that got me really excited…I knew that there was more to my life than what I was doing on a daily basis.  Now, I first have to say that I have an amazing family, my husband is supportive and loving and my best friend, we have 3 beautiful children and we most importantly, we have our faith that binds us together.  I know God created me to do something great and He's given me talents to use in a way to make a difference to others, I just didn't know in what way.  I knew I was looking for something big that I could be a part of and a way to make an impact on other people's lives., Passion

In August 2013, I decided to be involved in something I've got a great passion for…health and fitness.  I've always been interested in health in some way or another since college but never pursued that interest. Until recently!  I decided to become a Beachbody Coach so that I can help others in reaching their health and fitness goals while at the same time be held accountable for my health and fitness goals.  But what I didn't realize getting into this, was the true joy and excitement I
have in seeing my challengers lose weight, get healthy, or be able have self-confidence!  It's so inspiring.

…and right there…I found my WHY for 2014!  I want to be a part of changing lives!  I know and believe that what I'm doing is literally vital to saving the lives of so many people…and that gets me so excited!!

Coaching and Believing

The exciting part about Beachbody, is that not only do I get the opportunity to help others become healthy…There's the other side of it too.  I am building a team of coaches who have the same desires and passions of wanting to better the lives of others and help them live healthier lives.  So, it's not only one person trying to make a difference in this world…it is a whole team of coaches out to change people's lives thru: health, fitness, finances, family, confidence…the list can go on and on.  It's infectious and exhilarating to have a group of like minded people working together for the same goal! Working with the same belief that WE can make a difference!!

Believe in yourself and achieve,
Are you someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others you may know or have never even met?  Do you desire to be a part of something bigger than you've ever dreamed could?  I want to invite you to take a look at Beachbody coaching.  Think of the impact YOU could have on even just ONE person's live…now think about if THEY wanted to pay that forward to someone else.  Think about the ripple effect YOUR decision could have.  

BELIEVE that YOU can make a difference!!

Believe you can make a difference,

If you'd like more information about being a part of the Dream Team, the #2 team in Beachbody, please join us on an informational call on Wednesday, January 15th at 9pm EST.  Message me for more details and the call number.  It's strictly information!  What do you have to lose?

Dream Team Coach opportunity call,
Dream Team Business Opportunity Call

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