

Rodan + Fields, Aging is out of your control, how you handle it though is in your hands.  Love the Skin You're In, Julie Little

Every single day we grow older, wiser and more beautiful!  There is no reason that your skin has to show your age, am I right??  Haven't you always wanted to "age in reverse"?  Well, now it is possible and I've seen so many amazing transformations of people truly turning back time with their skin!

Everyone has skin...and, like it or not, we are all stuck with the skin we're in!  Well...why not LOVE the skin you're in and be proud and confident every day in your own skin!

I remember as a teenager being so embarrassed with the slightest little pimple I had.  Lucky for me, I didn't have horrible acne as a teen, however, I certainly got my fair share of it as an early adult!  I remember being so embarrassed in my skin, covering up as much as I could with make-up and even buying an airbrush to apply my makeup!  Yep...I wanted to cover that skin up as much as possible!

The good news don't have to live like that!!!  CLEAR SKIN is possible...WRINKLE FREE skin is possible!!

Rodan + Fields - Redefining the Future of Skincare!

Rodan + Fields, Love the Skin You're In, Julie Little

I'm thrilled to share with you the amazing products of Rodan + Fields!  I have joined the Proactiv doctors in their next billion dollar brand, Rodan + Fields, a premium skincare company, which is currently the 2nd largest premium brand in the US and has the #1 anti-aging line!  WOW!!  That's something to make you stop and pay attention to!

Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, both Stanford trained dermatologist, founded Rodan + Fields  in 2002 to pursue a line of clinically proven, dermatology-based anti-aging products!  They still see patients in their own private clinical practices today.  Through their practices, noticed they were commonly seeing patients for 4 main skin concerns:

1) Sun Damage/ Brown Spots
2) Wrinkles/ Anti-Aging
3) Acne/ Post-acne scars
4) Sensitive Skin

Rodan + Fields, Redefine, Reverse, Soothe, Unblemish; Love the Skin You're In, Julie Little

It was through these 4 common concerns that Rodan + Fields was developed!  To be able to offer a multi-med therapy (the same multi-med therapy system that works so beautifully for Proactiv) that will target these specific skin concerns and treat them in a step by step, easy to use method.  Rodan + Fields is truly REDEFINING the future of skincare!

Rodan + Fields, Redefine, Reverse, Soothe, Unblemish; Love the Skin You're In, Julie Little

It is my goal to help connect people to a solution for YOUR skin concerns.  I know how skin concerns can negatively impact self-esteem, I've seen it in my own experience as well as witnessed it with others too!  Are you ready to get to work on your skin needs??  I can help!

I love the confidence in the R+F products that every single product comes with a 60 day money back guarantee!  SO, if you're not satisfied with the results you'll get your money back!!

Not to mention, Rodan + Fields offers an amazing way to SAVE money on your R+F systems and products!  As a Preferred Customer (PC) you get amazing Perks!!

As a PC You receive:

  • 10% off your order 
  • Free Shipping (on orders over $80)
  • Inside Access to Dr. Rodan & Dr. Fields
  • Exclusive Promotions...and more!  
It's easy to become a Preferred Customer and definitely the best way to get your products and start reversing the age of your skin!  There is a one time enrollment fee of $19.95, but with the 10% off and cost of shipping, you're already saving money (when purchasing a skin care regimen)!

If you'd like more information please fill out the form below so I can help you get personalized recommendation for your skin needs!  Online Solution Tool (please make sure to fill out all the way to the end and enter your email so that you can have your results emailed to you).

Rodan + Fields, Redefine, Reverse, Soothe, Unblemish; Love the Skin You're In, Julie Little

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